Frequently asked questions

Below are some the questions I am often asked, but if you have another question please don’t hesitate to reach out!

How should I choose a therapist?

I often tell friends and family who ask this, “Go with your gut.” Perhaps you have an idea of style or characteristics you are looking for in a therapist, and perhaps you are trying it out for the first time, but either way - trust yourself. If you feel comfortable with the person, you will likely be able to get more from the process. And when in doubt, try a couple of sessions to see how you feel. The process is for you, so if it isn’t a good fit let your therapist know.

What is the difference between psychotherapy and coaching?

While there is no concrete answer for this across the board, I can describe the difference specific to my practice. Psychotherapy is a process through which we explore a broad variety of emotional experiences, mental health concerns, relationship patterns, and personal values to foster well-being and healing. I work with clients to meet both short-term and long-term therapeutic goals and develop positive balance and coping skills for emotional and lifestyle stressors.

My coaching practice incorporates short-term, solution-focused techniques to help clients focus on positive change and building agency. Often coaching clients are additionally looking for therapy resources, and I work to connect you to appropriate support in your area. While my therapy practice is specific to California and Minnesota, I work with coaching clients nationally and internationally to identify stuck points and foster growth.

How long does it take?

There is no one-size-fits-all. Psychotherapy clients tend to stay for longer term therapy as they dive deeper into their own process. Coaching is often a short-term modality, but I offer check-in services as needed for long term support.

DO you accept insurance?

I do not accept insurance for psychotherapy or coaching services, but can help you navigate finding a practitioner who does accept your insurance if you don’t know where to start.

How much do sessions cost?

My fees are $200 per 50-minute session for psychotherapy with a limited number of sliding scale openings.

Coaching is set on a flexible frequency and rate, to meet both the financial and time constraints of the industries I serve.

Please contact me for questions about consulting fees and current availability.